TriplePlay to the rescue

Whole-Play requires MIDI input (at least for now), which so far meant using my MIDI keyboard to play, and my piano skills are not impressive. I so wanted to be able to use my guitar, but it seemed quite difficult... I had tried audio-to-midi software that was not giving me very good results, and I knew I needed a hardware solution. But it still didn't seem so easy, and there was a fair bit of gear involved, and...
Bill: Have you checked Fishman's TriplePlay?
Gz: huh?
That looks promising... checking some info... watching some videos... that looks Promising! Right, gotta order one!
And after my initial tests, this looks Super Promising. Tracking seems to be really fast and quite accurate. Different options for bending, I'll have to explore how those work in Whole-Play. I can imagine it will require some code to make it play nicely with Whole-Play, but I'm really excited about it.
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Looks great, sounds great mate! :)