Reboot 2021


2020 hasn't been the best year for Whole-Play. I can blame it on Covid, or on the difficulties with managing volume balance, or on a failed collaboration attempt, or on my focus on game development, but well, all of that sounds a bit excuse-y to me. All ingredients of the 2020 cocktail.

This brought some frustration, but maybe that was necessary for some reason? In any case, it's brought me a strong desire to reboot Whole-Play in 2021. Reboot might be a bit too much, definitely not the right term. It's more re-focus. Now with a bit of perspective I can observe 2020, and see what was missing, or some of it. And it has given me some direction for how to go about further progress, and what needs more attention and focus. Essentially:

  • One of the biggest issues for me at the moment are indeed the volume balance issues, so I'm going to simplify things, and start from the bottom to build up more complexity gradually. So I'm putting making new composers on hold, and instead I'll focus on creating sketches.
  • I'm also scaling down on the virtual sounds, and instead of using a full band I'll start simple, with duos and trios to begin with, so that I can work more on the details and hopefully build up from a more stable base.
  • Lastly, I want to better combine technical aspects with creative aspects. Doing too much of either seems to get me stuck easily.

So let's see what 2021 brings, stay tuned!


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